Saturday, February 26, 2011

trip to see jesse

Today we went to see jesse. we saw billy and he is doing fine he misses everyone and so does tammy and jesse. They have a co-op there but it is not the same without us. we went to a fancy restrant. after that we played asssain I fogot what he look like I was very sad when we had to go.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We went on a trip up north to heaven..... not. But it flet like heaven ahhhhh. It was awsome I had a chocolate lobster but it wasn't real sad I know really pitiful! All right now to the story ,is that ok or do you want me to not tell you the story. How about I tell the story. we were on the road I was waching a moive and Anthony was being well Anthony. And michael was playing his ds. Now are you getting bored well now to the good stuff. we just got to the statue of librty and we got to wait for my silly dad and he had to put his swiss army knife in the car but it a mile away so he put it in a train but don' worry it was broken down train and then he got back and told us about it and I laugh so hard i couldn' breth! so we got on I am not kidding a boat but then we went to an island called ellis and we got a badge.